Sunday, July 14, 2013

Weeks 11 and 12 - Intro to Building!

In general, I feel pretty good about these few build workouts. Of course, all I have done so far is about 5 mins of Z4 heart rate per running and biking workouts. When I do those 5 minutes though... man am I tired! I always look at my watch way too often and when I do it's usually like, "3 MINUTES LEFT!? MAKE IT STOP I'M GONNA DIE!", ... I never die though. :P

The need for sleep has crept back up to needing a little more than usual, hunger has stayed pretty stable, though I am being more diligent on drinking a bit of chocolate milk after workouts. I really think that chocolate milk thing really does help with the recovery, and I find it way more tasty than choking down protein powder shakes.

Here's hoping to getting faster as I continue to build more endurance. My running really needs to be better, at this point I'm looking at like 11:30 min/mile on race day, and I'd like that to be maybe 10:30. Honestly though, all I want to do is finish! Time goals are just goals and not going to be disappointed if I fall short on speed.


Week 11 was front loaded with me still being on vacation up in Oregon. Things got shuffled around and week 10's long bicycle ride got moved to Monday. So Monday and the following Sunday were bike rides, making my totals for the week a lot higher than week 10. Also, my tension bolt on my Kurt Kinetic Road Machine decided to strip and break! Luckily Kurtkinetic has some pretty awesome customer service (and they fully admit the tension bolt strips), and replaced it with their new tension bolt system! Shipped and everything for free! The only problem was that I was bummed I missed a bike workout on Friday. :( Then I had to push Week 12's Tuesday workout to Thursday. The bolt showed up on Wednesday!

I'm actually surprised that Week 12 worked out (pun?) as well as it did. I was on call for work, but I only got one call on Tuesday evening, so it didn't even interfere with my sleep that much (only lost about 2 hours), I still made all my workouts minus Sunday's long bike ride. Originally scheduled to be a 2.5 outdoor ride with 0:15 min run brick, I just did 1.5 hours on the indoor trainer and skipped the brick aspect of it all. I feel a little guilty about it.. but guilt should not drive my workouts, otherwise all this training will become more like a chore and less about completing something much larger than myself.