Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 17 - My First Olympic Race!

Well, I suppose my way of putting in pictures makes everything just a tad too small to read, so I'll flesh it out better in words.

As you can see, week 17 was AGAIN, another light week. Partly due to my being lazy, and another part of me wanting to do real life things instead of putting the training first. I have it in my mind that now the olympic race is done, I will go back to my "No excuses" attitude and finish the last 13 weeks strong.

So, olympic distance race! Almost the right distance according to the garmin. It was a 1500m swim, a 19 mile bike, and a 6.4 mile run. My paces were approximately 2:16/100m (2:06/100yd), 17.1 mph bike, and a 10:44min/mile.  I really think I'm okay with these paces too! My goal was to go in there and go sub 3 hours on this race, and I did it all in 2:56:19! I wasn't the fastest (8th overall female), I also wasn't the slowest (out of 15 :P), so I'm happy with what I did!

I am pretty sore the day after the race. More sore than I would have expected. Mainly in my shoulders, back, and right glute. During the swim, I continue to feel the restriction on my arms in the wetsuit, but I also don't expect it to ever feel like I'm NOT wearing the suit. I need to do more open water swimming. The idea is to go every other weekend from here on out. The bike leg felt real good! The only issue I had was that the first 10 miles or so, it was hard to stay in aero position on my bike, and every hill felt like a mountain. I drank 20 oz of Perform and ate about half of a Powerbar (which are kinda gross, and I'll never eat again). The run leg was tough! It was a trail run, relatively flat with soft dirt from everyone else running on it. I kept a good pace considering the terrain I think. I drank water at every aid station, and then dumped some on my head. The water really helped my stomach feel better.. even though it didn't feel particularly upset, the water just felt good in my stomach.

Now its back to the grind for a few more weeks, then I do my mock half Ironman distance! Things are moving along quick. Only 3 more Build phase weeks, then into Peak phase (which by looking at it, looks just like build phase anyways...). Getting closer, and the Olympic was the longest tri I've done ever, and I'm feeling good.