Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Week 25

Week 25 was pretty good to me. During the middle of the week was a car shopping week, so considering that takes a lot of time, I'm pretty happy with the amount of training I was still able to accomplish. Now that I have a car of my own again I can go the full duration of swim class! I have found that 40 minutes of swim is alright, but 80 mins of swim is waaaay better.

I haven't too much to say about this week because it just seemed rather ordinary I suppose. Our long bike ride was on saturday and it was a bit of an adventure. Dad had no nutrition with him other than 1 Gu, so we rode around and stopped at a bike shop which I guess threw him off our route and we wound up doing almost 5k feet of climbing that day and I'm not sure that was the plan. After the ride was done, I made it home in time to see the last 15 or so miles of Ironman Kona pro racers. The age groupers that stroll in around 10 hours was simply astounding.. I'd say 1 out of 4 needed major assistance off the finishing mat. They push themselves really hard!! If you tuned into the finishers at 13-14 hours it was a lot less frightening as those people didn't pass out at the end. Some did, but not nearly as many at the 10 hour guys.

My long run was another test of the run/walk method I plan to employ on race day. I tried a 4 min run; 1 min walk ratio. Probably the first time beyond 10 miles that I actually felt really good! I think that 4:1 is going to work on race day, I'm hesitant to try 3:1 ratio, but I guess you never know what will work until you try it. I'm just trying to stay around 12 min miles. I'm no runner, and I won't pretend to be!

The weekend workouts have finally reached a point where taking Monday completely off is completely necessary.