Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Week18 ? ? Seriously?
Run Miles - 18.3
Bike Miles - 84.36
Swim Miles - 3.068
Total workout time - 11 hours 30 mins
I oddly don't have too much to say about this weeks happenings. I did miss a brick workout (well 2 brick workouts i guess), but I was still pretty beat up from my Oly race that I just wanted to sleep and sleep more.
I am pretty sure that I am no longer following the "Competitive" program in Be Iron Fit, and am now following some sort of mix of the Competitive and Intermediate program. The Intermediate program is exactly like the Competitive, except the 0:45/0:30 brick on Tuesday is only 0:45/0:15, and the easy spin on the long run, and the brick on the long bike are dropped. I tend to still do 0:45/0:30 on Tues. and I tend to do the brick on the long bike half the time... so.. yeah, I'm sorta in the middle. Basically, I need to remind myself that even though I'm missing some of the workouts, I'm actually just missing the Competitive program aspect of this training, and I should still be okay come November!
Bike still feels fantastic, and the swim is coming along quite nicely. I still run slow as a turtle.. but I'm okay with this.
Feeling good, but really kinda waiting for this training to be over.. it's getting harder and harder to do the workouts. I just want to sit on the couch and do nothing!